Mullet Mania!

Yes, I love mullets. But don't we all? Even in 2003 you can still find a Tennessee Tophat or a Billy Ray lurking around in crowds of white trash. Go to the Wisconsin State Fair and you'll see more mullets than you could ever imagine.

Let's start out with Personal Mullets. Unfortunately, these are all people I know.

Talk about MULLETUDE!  

It's pretty sad that I know this guy.  It's even more sad that this picture was taken only a few years ago, and he still thinks he's a stud.   

This guy is Italian (big surprise) and still thinks he's god's gift to women with that mullet. 

The Mull-Latino...

or is it Mexi-Mullet?

One of MaryLou's old friends, complete with Queensryche t-shirt and MGD.
This collection wouldn't be complete without a fem-frizz-mullet!
What would this be classified as?  

Camaro Mullet or Mini Truck Mullet?

I like to call it the White Trash Mullet.

This is a guy I used to work with.

Someone needs to tell him it's not 1984 anymore. I guess this isn't technically a mullet, but it's still some great 80's hair.

I thought it would be fun to capture this mullet while he was passed out on Mary Lou's living room floor.

This guy with the Starter Mullet asked me out on a date.  

Someone asked him if he lived in a house or an apartment.  

He replied, "A trailer".

Nuff said...

The Action Mullet.

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