Welcome to GeMini Aussies!
Joe and I (Rachael), and our children, are lovingly owned by four of the most wonderful dogs you can ever imagine! We got our first Mini, named Nikki, in June of 2001 and quickly fell in love with the breed. In our quest for a wonderful companion for Nikki, and a dog that Rachael could work with in the Conformation ring and other venues, Tuggers came to live with us in 2002. We've grown from there, loving each new addition!
With the goal of breeding in the future, right now we are just focusing on working with our dogs and enjoying their company in our home.
We are located in Columbus, Ohio
click on the individual doggies to go to their page
Alstar's Razin-A Ruckus (Joey)
Grand CH Sandy Oaks Midnight Storms (Tuggers)
Nikki and Reece
Miniature Australian Shepherd Information and Resources