Betsy's House

This is my kind of house-I don't have to clean it!

Hi! My name is Betsy McClung (nee Price).
I am being dragged kicking and screaming into the electronic age.
It occurred to me that having a home page might be a great way to find old friends, etc.
To bring you up to date, if you care, I have a 17 year old daughter who dazzles everyone, a cat and a dog, and I got a chance to go to Europe this summer.
Those are the highlights of the last 30 years. (Yes, I tend to be terse). I hope anyone who recognizes my name, or anyone who wants to say "Hi" will email me so we can catch up, or just chat.
So all of you who went to Avonworth High School ('65)
Penn State('69), or who worked at the Welfare Office(Allegheny Co.) or anyone else I might have known or might like to know, please write.


Click here for a saga of my paragrinations about the globe.

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