National Weather Service forecast for west central Connecticut |
Sunrise & Sunset Times
Weather Underground Local Stations Select location here: |
WINDcast Forecasts for Hartford, CT Area Select time here:
Images courtesy of Intellicast |
NOAA Rapid Update Cycle Wind Maps Select time here:
Images courtesy of the NOAA Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) program |
Other Local Weather Links (all links open in new window)
Launch Code Forecast for Pilots - Oxford, Meriden, Danbury
DTC DUAT (Direct User Access Terminal) - official FAA Aviation Weather and NOTAMS (counts as an "official" briefing) - registration required.
CSC DUAT (Direct User Access Terminal) - another version from a different contractor.
Temporary Flight Restrictions - You don't want to be intercepted by an F-16!
NoStepper - Lots of good information here.
NOAA Graphical Forecast for Connecticut - Cool interactive maps, farther out than most other forecasts.
Chester Airport AWOS (Automated Weather Observation System)