Weather Resources for Connecticut and Southern New England

National Weather Service forecast for west central Connecticut

Sunrise & Sunset Times

Times courtesy of Launch Code

Weather Underground Local Stations

Select location here:

WINDcast Forecasts for Hartford, CT Area

Select time here:

Images courtesy of Intellicast

NOAA Rapid Update Cycle Wind Maps

Select time here:

Images courtesy of the NOAA Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) program
Click here to see all images on one page.

Other Local Weather Links (all links open in new window)

Launch Code Forecast for Pilots - Oxford, Meriden, Danbury

DTC DUAT (Direct User Access Terminal) - official FAA Aviation Weather and NOTAMS (counts as an "official" briefing) - registration required.

CSC DUAT (Direct User Access Terminal) - another version from a different contractor.

Temporary Flight Restrictions - You don't want to be intercepted by an F-16!

NoStepper - Lots of good information here.

NOAA Graphical Forecast for Connecticut - Cool interactive maps, farther out than most other forecasts.

Chester Airport AWOS (Automated Weather Observation System)

This Internet Weather page courtesy of Paul Kluga and based on the original version by Dana Hague ParaFan