The Goddess's Home Page

BEWARE: You are now entering the chaotic workings of my mind...

This page contains advice, polls, and other stuff from my eclectic this page may change almost daily...

Hi! I'm The Goddess, and this is my very first webpage, so bear with me.
I'm constantly on the look-out for interesting things to put on my webpage for you, the home viewer! If you see anything that you think others might enjoy, send it to the address at the bottom of this page...

I'm 18 years old (that's legal in most states...). I'm a devout atheist, and I love drama. Techies Rock!!!

Need somewhere to just let it all out?Wiggle your nose and touch here to leave your mark on my Scrawl Wall(tm)!

Go here to get your own wall! - FREE ScrawlWall(tm)

That wonderful little Taco Bell chihuahua has invaded the nation, and I've got video clips! To see one,click here. (It may take about 2 minutes to download)

I graduated from the IB (International Baccaulaureate) progam at Spruce Creek High School, c/o '98. If you happened to be a member of that class,click here. It's just a website designed to try and keep track of everyone.

While at Creek, I was a member of Thespian Troupe #2461.
Working backstage on shows with this troupe made some great memories, and I will always remember them. I love you guys!

Well, here's my question for the day:
What is one thing that you wish you could take back?

Regret is a emotion found only in humans, and it is a hard thing to let go of. I've regretted many things in my life, but none so much as the things I never did. Leave your stories in the guestbook, and perhaps help another person to avoid the same problem.

Keep in mind that I'm still trying to settle on a topic for this page, so you should come back often to see what's new.

Anyone with any ideas can email me...or if you have nothing better to do, then you can email me for the heck of it, just so I can meet some new people!

Click here in order to see some of the Net's coolest sites!

Some of my favorite links on the Web

My early attempt at a web page!
Totally Useless Web Pages!
Awesome Southpark Sound Bites!!
Everything you ever wanted to know about Southpark and more!
Acrophobia: Free, Totally awesome interactive game!
Spam! The other...white meat?
PEEPS! Those delectable little bits of marshmallow fluff participate in some off the wall science experiments...
The Unofficial Dancing Baby Homepage

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The 110 volt current that runs this machine is wired to an adorable little kitten. Signing the guestbook will complete the circuit and fry the kitty! It's your decision....

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