Synaptic Meltdown’s Web Page This is my sevice to the net-surfer’s that have helped me

A Little About Me


One of the things I like about the web is that it allows a person to find many

wonderful pictures that they can download or use in chatrooms

Calvin and Hobbes Stills

This section of my page is filled with many pictures of Bill Waterson’s Loveable Characters.

Calvin and Hobbes Animations

This section contains various Calvin and Hobbes Animations

Tuneage and Sounds

This is my new project hopefully It will advance quickly




The list is small now but it will grow...
Just Meghan...
Nycci, the self proclaimed Angelgirl
Rob Avie

Download Sites

For downloads there are many different options

Happy Puppy Downloads has a large selection of games.

Rocket Downloadsprovides a fast site for downloading various programs.

Chat Rooms

When your just in the mood to chat on-line

L’Hotel Chat is a wonderful, html friendly, chat site with many different rooms.

The Park has a lot of chat rooms and much more.

Search Engines

Got to find something?



What’s going on in the world of sports

NFL.COM provides info on the National Football League.

NHL.COM is the official web page of the National Hockey League.

NBA.COMBrings you the eciting world of the National Basketball Association.


The Firefly network offers insites to movies, music and free web pages. Membership is free.
For free internet based E-mail try a Hotmail account.

To get your hands on a high quality free webpage try Geocities.

Any questions, comments, or suggestions, Mail me

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