*Thursday night is Bible Study night

(This site in the Web Ring is owned by Paula
"...but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin."
-- I John 1:7 (NASB) |
Welcome to the Obadiah List
The name Obadiah was chosen because the Hebrew name means "Servant of Yahweh" or "Servant of the Lord." As Christians, that is what we strive to be.
The Obadiah List is divided by age groups and then alphabetized by nicknames. So select the age group you in which you wish to chat and find the individual with whom you wish to chat.
Each listing starts with the ICQ number which is linked to his/her ICQ page. You may page the person if
you click on the flower next to the name.
So, If you're a Christian and an ICQ user please feel free to fill out the form below to add your entry to this list.
Last Updated on 1/12/00
Current membership is
Before filling out the form below,
please read our FAQs
Join the Obadiah List
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We now have an
Obadiah Community Message Board
Please feel free to check it out.
If you are a member of ObadiahChat, you may now add a banner to your homepage. Just click the banner below and pick the one you like.
Web-page Visitor - Communicate with The ObadiahChat Room
by using this ICQ Respond-Online Panel
If you have a running ICQ client you can:
- Chat With Us
- ICQ-Us, and/or
- Add Us to your contact list.
Netscape Users: If you are prompted to
Pick App or Save File, select
Pick App and browse to the location of your ICQ.EXE file (usually in C:\Program Files\ICQ\ICQ.EXE).
Internet Explorer Users: If you are prompted to Open or Save As select Open.
If you don't have an ICQ client you can press:
- the Page Me button to send us an ICQ message through the ObadiahChat Room Communication Center,
- the Zoom Me button to view our ICQ Whitepages details and/or
- the EmailNotify Me button to send us an e-mail and notify us by ICQ.
If the chat room is online, the message will popup on our screen, if it is offline it will be stored and forwarded to us as soon as we connect to the internet.
Installing the ICQ client will enable you to know if your peers are online and
communicate directly with them.
Click here to direct any comments, questions or problems, regarding this page, to the ListServant |
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