My Little Angel just keeps getting bigger and bigger and cute as a button. It seems all to soon that she will be a year old. How time flys when life is so wonderful.
Baby Gift Information Because it is always difficult to know what someone needs for a new baby and with family and friends being spread throughout the states I thought it would be good to post the information on my website so that everyone can take a look at it.
HTML Basics There are some basic tags and some links that are very helpful. The links are divided into English and Non-English sites, I hope they help.
School and Work I believe that learning never stops. A lot of what my learning is done at work, I work with children right now and they keep you hopping. I am also a graduate student, the professors keep me hopping right now also. I'm developing a photo album to illustrate my learning adventures.
Family and Friends Where would we be without our families and friends. Another photo album, to introduce myself, family and friends.
"Link Me Up Scotty!" During my 'surfing' I have come across many really informative, useful or just plain COOL sites so look and see if there is anything that you would like to explore.
Send Comments to T. Lynne or ICQ me at 12926969
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