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AN G E L ' S


(otherwise known as "Angel's Couch...for those who just sit there" thanks Celt ~hehe~)

Heyya peoples!! Glad ya stopped in!
Ok so i am working on a people learn that if you hound me enough you might get thru! (darn quick learners...)
Well i am working on it, slowly but surely...i can't seem to figure out what to put on here, but if ya notice by what i have managed to do, i can sure babble when ya get me started!!!!
I will warn you now that i don't know what will end up on this page, and what may turn up will prolly surprise some of you, since i have already managed to surprise a few...but came to my page...and if ya don't like it... i have provided sufficient links to get ya outta here on to more fun places!!
As i hinted, this page was sparked by friends on the net, mostly ones from Yahoo chat (link to be added here somewhere, sometime..)..we have a great time in there...come join us! I only hope my page will someday be as kewl as the pages of those who so strongly suggested mine. =)

OK so ya wanna know about me?

Here's some links to other great places!

I've made a couple of pages especially for a special someone, and decided to revise them just a bit and put them on here...
read about my love =)

wanna see a pic of my pride and joy??

OK OK, I've done a bit more updating, mostly on my About Me page. If you've missed the ones about my love, they're here too! I hope to be able to update more soon, but it depends on when i can finally get away. (read on, you'll understand)

oh, and here's a new page i've been delinquent on...credits

Thanks for stoppin by!!! I hope you will come back when the page is more presentable!! ok, when it has more to present!! hehe
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