LAST UPDATED 06-16-2000
This ultra sound was
taken on 4-3-2000. When I was 9 weeks pregnant.
#1 is the baby's head.
#2 are the baby's arms.
#3 is the baby's tummy.
#4 is the baby's feet.
We also saw the baby moving and it's heart beat.
This ultra sound was taken on
6-12-2000. The baby's head is on the right side in the middle of the picture, his/her arms are right to the left of that near the center of the picture. I swear if you look at it from the side the picture looks like the famous painting the scream. The baby's skin is so thin that you can see right thru it to it's bones.
This ultra sound was taken on the same day as the one above, it looks a little better. The baby is doing fine, it even had the hiccups during this ultra sound. It has it's hands folder under it's chin. The head is to the right of the picture again. These pictures don't show the lower body, but the baby has long legs just like his/her daddy.