I am updating it now !!!Wait some time , ok ?
¥ò¾ãºò....Sorry ! Under Super Heavy Contstruction!!!!!Coz i need to have a exam now , no time to updated,sorry
Hi , ¦U¦ìè°¥Jè°¤k, ÁÂÁ§A̶i¤J§Úªººô¶(ªÅ¥Ö),³o¬O§Úªº²Ä¤@¦¸,
Hey man! This is the first time for me to make a homepage !
Although, it may not good enough ,hope you can know more about me !!
Here is my pages!! Go to see them , ok ? Hehehehehehe~~~~~~~~ :P ~~~
> As I have another homepage, but still in construction ,sorry for that ,So poor !¡@My
Friends and the link of their homepage , ok?
¡@This is MY classmates in F.5
¡@This is MY a vote for petty girl and handsome for my school Christ College