Djames 50

Somewhere to rest and "ava Beer"..

G'day allll... I'm Djames though these days more of you will know me as Tryffid.. Yes I am a Sci Fi fan...

Good to see you here:

Most of you will have come to these pages by meeting me in one of the chat rooms...Maybe you would like to know just a bit more about me....??

What can I say.... basically WYSIWYG as they say in the puter game...
I'm now 51 years old, Recently retired from the Oil Industry after working there for the last 28 years.... long time...but on the whole I enjoyed it. I live in a place called Mandurah , West Australia and have done so for the past 18 years, I migrated out to Australia from England in 1974 with my wife Gillian... kinda liked the place so have been here ever since...Mandurah is a really great place to live.... situated on a spit of land nestled between the ocean and the Peel Inlet leading into the Harvey Estuary... I live just a few mtrs from the estuary foreshore... handy enough that I dont have to get into my car to put my Kayak in the water or to go crabbing or prawning...I enjoy playing both Golf and Tennis.... and riding my bike.... now I've finished with work I will also try and get out trekking or camping a bit more.... I would like to eventualy walk the Bibbulmun Track end to end, a distance of some 963 klms...I also enjoy reading.... fantasy fiction mainly.... but I'm enjoying the Sharpe series of books by Bernard Cornwall at the moment....I like the cinema, theatre, and long lunches with good friends...
Ok... thats about me in a nutshell.... anything else you wanna know... you gonna have to ask....

Thats me in the Pic with my 2 dogs... Wicket.. a Maltese Shitzu cross, and Zoe.... a very miniature yorkshire terrier.....
Follow the links to meet the wife and kids and some friends of ours.... ...

The Family

The House and Garden

Gills Family.

Tennis Championships.

Alfresco in Freo

Links to other sites on the Web

For that personal Chat

Dynamite Dans Page....A workmate

Mandurah..A great place to Live

The Bibbulmun Track

Coventry....A place where I misspent my youth

SMTC Homepage

Catchya Laterer

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