An angel once watched over me. She smiled brightly, warming me great joy. And I had given her a special spot in my heart, toujours......
~AuthorKnown and Used With Permission
When in someone else's arms I lie
It is you that I hold nigh
Your lips will be what warms my skin
Sets to blaze the fire within
My soul longs for your touch
Though you withold from me all such
I crave to be held in your embrace
Though I look into another's face
It is your eyes that look to mine
You are who I hold in my mind
He is but a surrogate for you
Here to help me make it through
In truth there is no substitute
But life holds us sadly mute
It may not be you in word or deed
As I reach out to slake my need
Yet...It is You...I hold in my heart
While miles...and lives keep us apart
so raise the candles high cause if you
~Melanie Safka
don't we could stay black against the night
oh raise them higher again and if you
do we could stay dry against the rain
we were so close, there was no room
we bled inside each others wounds
we all had caught the same disease
and we all sand the songs of peace
some came to sing, some came to pray
some came to keep the dark away
so raise the candles high cause if you
don't we could stay black against the night
oh raise them higher again and if you
do we could stay dry against the rain
oh oh raise them higher again and if you
do we could stay dry against the rain
Bits and Pieces
It seems as if
I've loved you forever.
Maybe I have.
Maybe we met
In some other time
Where our lives touched
This closely before...
All I know for sure
Is this certainty inside me...
That we are
Meant for each other-
Now and Always.~
By.. ~Anonymous~