
you found my little 'home' on the web! This page is
dedicated to all the 'fun' pages I have visited with links to other pages
I have made due to my special interests. I certainly hope you enjoy
your stay and please do come back again.
Looks like I had better do some updating. I have started playing in another graphic media, Poser, and I believe I will set up a page for my newest images. STAY TUNED! Ok, so I have lost track of time - geesh - guess I had better get a move on. No grandkids the next few days so maybe I can start on the new page in earnest. Wow, here I am again. Am really and truly gonna work on my pages now. Started doing my genealogy research again so having to move lots of stuff around. Thanks for sticking with me.

My C o l o r f u l
C o l o r a d o To
show off the beauty of this wonderful state
Snow Globes Ring Come visit and see my globes
For Betty Boop Fans My Betty snow globes and links (currently updating)
Time out Pages Some wonderful 'just relaxing' places
Puzzles Want a little playtime? Here are some puzzles for you to enjoy
My Bookmarks Links to my favorite
P(ro) sites
My Hobby Genealogy related - Fox, Overthrow, etc
Background provided by:
If you love Betty Boop you are gonna LOVE the websets here