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HI!! I see you have come to visit my homepage... well here's a little about me.....

Let's see... For all the "Einstiens" out there... MY NAME IS DESMOND...and no it's not French!! okay.... well back to my life... i'm 15 (THE BIG ONE FIVE!!! birthday is coming up soon!! only about 10 more months.!! so my dear friends start thinking of my birthday present!!) The school i'm currently attending to is.... TAS. I like long walks on the beach and romantic candle light dinners!! heh heh... i am currently living in Taiwan.... used to live in CANADA!!! Canada is the best place on earth.... i mean... look at it this way... i used to live there. America.... YUK! no offense or anything... =) well i'm computer illiterate therefore... my homepage will.. well it speaks for itself.. Actually i'm not totally illiterate... i know how to intstall a game!! Only the ones that have the file thingy that you just have to type "install" for. Well maybe i'm not computer illiterate... it's probably my APTIVA! Wanna know a secret....My little Secret...clik now!!! Like it ?? i sure do!! it's not really a secret... cause everybody knows it!! I'm not on any medication if case you're wondering... so if you think i'm weird or something... it's the Taiwan water that's affecting me... really.. No kidding!! ONE MORE THING THAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT:


Don't mess around with the Scraptor... he's mean and ferocious... and very dangerous!!! Also another reminder.....
(heh heh... bet you guys don't know what a scraptor is... well when you find out then i'll tell you..... is that a good deal or what??!?!? =)

Well enough talk/type/ummmmm....... well anywayz you can move on now... don't hafta read about me anymore... bet you're happy... well hope you enjoy this Supercalifragilistic homepage!!! Please sign my guestbook... i get very lonely at times and i need some stuff to look at to comfort my loneliness...just talking about it makes me sad..sniff sniff ... well as i pity myself you can roam around my homepage... ENJOY!!!

Alrighty... I've removed my spawn page because i know absolutely nothing about spawn except that a shoelace holds his face together.. so therefore.. i've decided to replace it with my PAuL KaRIyA page! Well he's my favourite hockey player although i dunno what's happening in the NHL ... i still wanna make a page about Paul Kariya cause he's my favourite hockey player... well enjoy! =)

Hey my second link! Wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow!!!! That's amazing!! Well this contains Pictures of Friends All of my 2 friends are on this page!! heh heh... j/k.... maybe... heh heh... you'll just have to find out!! visit it!!

Like my cheese? Pretty cool huh? I know, I know... you all wish you had MY piece of cheese on your homepages.... heh heh.... WELL YOU CAN'T HAVE IT... IT'S MY PIECE OF CHEESE... all mine!!!!!! =P

********** Wanna know another secret???.... click here now....*********

Okay.... wanna know something?? Desmond is cool.... wait a minute.... nevermind... you would know that if you visited my secret link.... whoops... gave away my secret link away.... aahh well....... okay... I like reading comics and one of my favourite comics are the Archie comics.... i don't see why i like archies.... they're not funny.... the storyline is stupid..... jokes are ...wait...... heh heh... get it cheesy (O man... i love this picture of this cheese!!!).... OOoooooookay.. well.. bet you guys think i have a problem.... anywayz this link has nothing to do with archie, i just felt like talking about them... it's about Calvin and Hobbes so enjoy!

This is a clikable image... TRY IT!

heh heh.... wasn't that fun? did u clik it? i told u it was a clikable image... i just hate those images that u clik on and it actually goes to some other page.... don't u?
Don't u just luv Titanic?! =)

Alright! The moment you've all been waiting for ...a page where u can leave my page forever! Bet yer excited......get ready to enter beautiful......fabulous LINKZ PAGE!!!!! BET YER HAPPY THAT U CAN LEAVE THIS PAGE AND GO TO SOME OTHER COOLER AND MORE INTERESTING PAGE THAN MINE!! =) Well have fun going thru other ppl's homepages and may the force be with u!

Well... my boys ... finally... i have finally put up two wrestling pages!! Alright!! yeah yeah!! rah rah!! boombastic very fantastic... nah! they suck.. nothing much is on them right now but go look at them anywayz cause there's some stuff u might enjoy looking at ... i now welcome u to my WWF PAGE and my awsome NWO PAGE!! ENJOY!! =)

well i don't think i'll be werking on this page for a while cause summer vacation is coming up... so enjoy what i have up!


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