People do strange things when they're bored. My personnel favorite is masturbation; however I am beginning to think this is no way to spend eight hours a day. My obsession with 'dancing the five knuckle shuffle' has began to put real pressure on my relationships and career (i.e, I have neither). So I have begun the task of looking for something to do other then laying in bed 'saluting my commander-in-chief'. However I feel I shouldn't be running before I've learned to limp. So to this effect, I've have decided I will only be attempting tasks I can complete one handed, leaving my best friend 'lefty' to 'oil the gear stick' when needed. So welcome to The "WebShite". A home to all the crap that I've downloaded over the past fifty two years of the Internet. Whether its stupid video clips, strange sound files or classic roms, I've wasted my life and my phone bill in attempt to fill my 30 gig hard drive (and I'm almost there). This site contains just a small selection of these files. So updates will appear as regularly as can be typed with one hand. and for those looking for the here


The End.mp3, The Long and Winding Road.mp3, Stan Bush, They Might Be Giants, Road Runner, Soccer Violence, Breakout, Tetris, Horse Ra



For both our protection and yours, please be so kind as to certify, in addition to blood sample I will be collecting latter, the following: . 1. I am between 4 and 112 years of age; . 2. The material I'm viewing is for my own personal use and isn't to be viewed by miners or anyone involved in the mining industry; . 3. I am not a U.K POSTMAN or WOOLWORTH'S CHECKOUT GIRL or acting as an agent thereof, attempting to obtain any evidence for the prosecution of any individual or CORPORATION or for the purpose of entrapment and even if I was a U.K POSTMAN or WOOLWORTH'S CHECKOUT GIRL, I would be here because I am very bored and I'm hoping there may be neked ladiez on this site. . 4. I desire to receive and haven't notified the U.K POSTMAN or WOOLWORTH'S CHECKOUT GIRL to intercept any stupid material; . 5. I can stop receiving such material at any time by logging off now and not returning, provided I never turn my computer on ever again; . 6. I believe, that as an adult, I've the unalienable right to read and/or view any type of material even if it is neked pics of Vanessa Feltz; . 7. That at no time, will miners be subjected to said material of any kind unless they put down that stupid pick axe and pay up, cheap bastards; . 8. By going to the home page and/or by looking at anything on this site you are agreeing that the material contained herein is not obscene or offensive in any way nor could ever be construed to be so, nor could any sexually explicit material of any kind ever be considered obscene or offensive. You also certifying that the material presented here is not illegal or considered obscene in your street, village, community, city, state, commune, sect, cult, church group, parish, synagogue, household, Credit Card membership, Scout troop, preschool, insane asylum, province or country. If you are unsure, go ahead and continue. Just pray no one finds out. . 9. All of the above is understood and the following is true. Or none of it's true (as if you care). .

 Webshite, Funny, Wavs, Jokes, Comedy, MP3, Chris Morris, Dizzy, Roms, Cartoons, Flash, Humor, Adult, Peter Beeston, Worksop, Hull, Freeserve, Thewebshite, webshite, web shite, jokes, email, pictures, jpegs, real audio, gifs, mac, football, collections, zip, links, on the verge, beeston, mpegs, quicktime, m3, funny pictures, beeston, the defacement, brass eye, daffy duck, jerky boys, starwars hoilday special, coming soon, cool, movies, clever, mp3s, beeston, peter. peter, pete, seinfield, spectrum roms, master system roms, mega drive roms, snes roms, zip collections, the defacement, downloads. bluebook, majestic 12, the art of war, trade center humour, welcome to the internet helpdesk, beeston peter, movies, jerkyboys, mastersystem roms, sega roms, sounds, strip blackjack, strip poker, on the verge, kurpter roms, link exchange, increase web hits, humour, comedy, whose on first, avi, wot d feck, avi, movie, mov, humour, comedy british, homepage, personel, gameboy, snes, zipped, macintosh, mac, fuck, e/n, thewebsite, web-shite, english, tasteless, beeston, beeston, peter, peter ,peter, peter, beeston, beeston, beeston, worksop, pete, beest, games, cartoon, porn, sound, wave, sort of adult, internet, world wide web, free, sample, no money, free mouse mat, stuff, hits, submit url, in the end linkin park mp3, douglass adams zip, beacuse I got high afro man mp3, uncle fucker mp3, welcome to the internet helpdesk mp3, boss of me mp3, nutz, kung fu master, sonic, rom, mp three, mp 3, avi, jerky boys, british humor, english humor, student humour, workosp humor, optical illusion zip, jokes zip, pics zip, free, secret, hack, ashton experiment 2, falk production, kill the baby seal, daffy duck yesterday mp3, George Bush jr, The Complete Bushisms, call centre, fax anthrax, road runner long winding road, bushwaked, fun apple mac apps, jet blast, webcams, webwhores, stileproject, Dizzy5.sna, Feud.sna, Ghostbusters.sna, Daley Thompson 1.sna, Daley Thompson 2.sna, Trapdoor.sna, Rtype.sms, Californiagames.sms, Spy V Spy.sms,,,,, WB Monster,, Kings Bounty.smd, GoldenAxe.smd, Altered Beast.smd, RoadRash.smd, BomberMan.smcSuper , Off Road.smc,, Indiana Jones 4, Alien Vs Predator, Star Wars (draft 1), The Trigger Action, The Pony Remark, The Junior Mint , BlueBook.pdf, Majestic12.pdf, The Art Of War.pdf, Jerky Boys.ra , Terminator 3, Evil Dead 4, Jared.sit, Virtual Viagra.sit. SolidNirvana.sit..Tractor.wav, Shatner Sings the Beatles, Whose on First.mp3, Addicted to porno.mp3, Malcomx.rm, Santa Line.mp3, the shitelist, Because I Got High.mp3, Champagne room.mp3, Dare.mp3, The tim51 Funny Linkse of your life.mp3, Uncle fuck'a.mp3, Yesterday.mp3, Boss Of Me.mp3, In ,The Avalanches Fronteir Psychiatrist.mp3 2 Crude Dudes.smd Wabbit Season.wav

