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Angel Eyes

Don't forget to sign my Guestbook!!! *smiles*

Your Hostess, ÅngelEyes, welcomes you to
her little corner of Heaven on the web
affectionately known as "Heaven's Gate"
If you'd like to learn more about your hostess,
click on Heaven's Gate (below)

...or perhaps you'd like to tour her many pages?
Just click on one of her many links
to other places on her page.

" And let me remind you all that
I did this particular homepage for F*U*N "

(i.e. amusement, enjoyment, jest, play, etc etc...)
In other words, this is not one of those serious, informative, boring pages.
These pages are filled with things I felt would give you a sense of "me"
and things I felt like sharing. Why? Just because I can, that's why!
So please, have fun, be good, and enjoy. Laugh a little if you can!
Life is short, enjoy it while you can. : )))

Click on Heaven's Gate to enter

Come See My Photo Ålbum

Bike Week 2000 Pics

Send these as URL's or Email them to a friend
I Love You
*Kissssss*Quips and Quotes
from an Angel
How to Impress
A Woman
City Of AngelsForever LoveRusty's
Link page

Email Me Click HERE to contact me!
Send me E-Mail
Question? Comment?
Just wanna say Hi?
Drop me a line *grins*

You can always find me on ICQ
My ICQ number is 6552603 if you'd like to add me : ))

And I can also be found on Yahoo Messenger
as "ae4902" if you have Yahoo instead of ICQ

Did you meet my guardian angel bears,
<--- Cliff and Earthell --->
I've adopted these 2 very special guardian angel bears
to protect my page and named them after
two very special children I cared for over the years.
These two children touched my heart in a way
that can only be understood by a caregiver.
Cliff and Earthell, where ever you are,
you are ALWAYS in my heart, my little angels.

Adopt Your Very Own Guardian Angel Bears at Pooh's Corner.

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