This page is dedicated to those sitting in on the CS246 1:00 - 2:30 TR Lecture. You know who you are. If you say you're not sure and that you were sleeping in some prof's class during those times, then yes, you are in this lecture section.
Please read the explanations at the bottom of the page. I wanted to keep the good stuff near the top. Please let me know if you'd like to see the list in ascending order for better readability (currently descending).
! View the online doodles.
Date | Background | Factor | Cumulative |
03/24 | One of the last examples in class was to do with a dictionary. For those that remember, change the variable dict to be an object. You'd then have dict.MyInsert(dict, key, value). Pretty dirty! | 4 | 75 |
03/24 | The latest ratios - people leaving : minutes passed in class - 1:30, 4:50, 1:55, 1:70. | 2 | 73 |
03/24 | I haven't been getting much sleep lately. The hum of the overhead projector, combined with the monotonous voice of Alencar, was enough to make me drift away to la-la land. | 2 | 71 |
03/19 | Considering he has one more DUH than Simpson, Kates was better as a prof. I actually learned something this week. Score DUH for the other profs. | 2 | 69, 12S |
03/19 | Prof asks a question requiring a show of hands. He then asks, "How many can't raise their arms?" Like, ... DUH! What a poor attempt at humour. Take lessons from Alencar. | 4 | 11K |
03/19 | Prof: "I can't fool you guys." That's a stupid comment. I mean, I probably fell for that line back in grade three. Now everyone knows he's patronizing us with that sarcastic comment. What a dork. | 3 | 7K |
03/19 | "Yo yo, it's CS time again." Said by Elmer Fudd, the wrapper extraordinaire. | 2 | 4K |
03/19 | Man, was it ever overcrowded in class today. We doubled our normal capacity. If the fire department ever found out that we had that many people in class, they'd shut it down! | 1 | 67 |
03/17 | Nothing else happened except his hairpiece fell off. Oops, sorry, he didn't have one on in the first place! | 1 | 2K |
03/17 | Happy St. Paddy's Day! BTW, new prof today. Just call him Crome Dome, not to be confused with SkyDome in Toronto. This prof's symbol will be "K". | 1 | 1K |
03/10 | If you don't get anything out of this course, at least remember this - I came up with this for everyone's benefit...![]() |
03/10 | "... or maybe the programmer had a ride leaving right away and just put in s.push thinking it was going to call CheatStack.Push." How many of you thought that was a "valid" example? (Like I really do my programming seconds before I have a ride leaving to somewhere!) | 3 | 10S |
03/10 | What is the prof's percentage of crossing "t's?" And has he ever heard of articles, such as using the word "a," as in "Suppose we have _ base object A.T and ..." This isn't Calculus! | 2 | 7S |
03/10 | Prof: "I'll answer your question after you answer mine." Can you say, "Power trip?" | 2 | 5S |
03/10 | Prof asks why a certain procedure, dealing with inheritance, is called. A student answers. Prof responds: "You're talking around it..." Then he proceeds to talk around the answer himself. | 3 | 3S |
03/10 | Another prof was teaching class today, and he'll be teaching for the rest of the week. The "S" at the end of the cumulative DUH will reflect his points accumulated. | ||
03/05 | Did you know that at this very second, there are 100 billion nutrinos passing through every square inch of your body surface? No? And how the hell does this pertain to CS? It doesn't - that's what I learned by avoiding the "testing" lecture and reading someone's astronomy text book. | 1 | 66 |
03/05 | Nothing has really happened lately. :( I'm disappointed too. That's why there's nothing for the past week and a half. But I'll give him 3 DUH anyway since it wouldn't be the same without the dispensing of DUH's. | 3 | 65 |
02/18 | E-mail comment to me: That prof is a freak, man. I like learn nothing, okay, and like how he says his notes will be in the library, like they haven't changed since the first week, okay? [Well, this deserves DUH, doesn't it?] | 2 | 62 |
02/17 | Damn, Waterloo blocks out posts from DejaNews. Bastards. Anyway, Raj, keep it up and you'll have your own page. Believe me when I say I have quadruple the gossip on you than I do on this page! You can make a MAINSTRIKE hate page to get even... I'll even co-author it for you! | ||
02/12 | Remember Seasame Street and The Count? Well, imagine The Count saying 1-tuple, 2-tuple, 3-tuple... ha..ha..ha. It's a resemblance too coincidental not to be dismissed - is the prof really a laid-off muppet character? | 2 | 60 |
02/12 | He used the blackboard (it was a very special day for all of us) and put an example up, specifying 19xx <= year <= 2000. He made, sorry, attempted a Y2K joke. Did anyone laugh? I did, but it wasn't with him... 4 DUH for REALLY bad humour. | 4 | 58 |
02/12 | Today the nasal blockage is preventing his phonetics from sounding even remotely close to English. | 3 | 54 |
02/10 | On reflection, there was one instance when I commented, "This is Greek," when the prof was babbling about more pragma crap. Someone in front of me responded, "But at least Greek has practical applications!" How true!!! | 1 | 51 |
02/10 | You know, I wasn't paying attention for the entire class! So I don't have any valid DUH to add. But let's just assume that he would have done something stupid, so I'll just give a one time charge of 4 DUH. | 4 | 50 |
02/05 | Sleeper in class. Was disturbed from his slumber when the prof changed slides and there was a moment of silence. Was there ever a Tower of Babbling? | 1 | 46 |
02/05 | Learning "defensive programming." I've got my G1 in defensive programming? Can I program after dusk? | 1 | 45 |
02/05 | Doing pragmas in class. Was told by fellow student: "Write a pragma for a procedure to execute a professor." That's worth some DUH... | 3 | 44 |
02/05 | Student: "Can we have 15 minutes at the end of class to discuss the assignment?" Reply: "Yes, that's right." Thanks, Alex, I'll take Dumb Profs for 200. | 2 | 41 |
02/05 | So he was 10 minutes late today. We didn't mind; we were laughing at him anyway, like he was there. But it was a valid reason why he was late - he couldn't find his lucky sweater. | 2 | 39 |
02/05 | Let's begin with the student situation. We were up to 14, then one left within five minutes. A few more trickled out later on. You know you're a bad prof when... | 1 | 37 |
02/03 | From the Book Of MAINSTRIKE, chapter 4, verse 17. "Like a person in the desert, the professor is our mirage and we keep attending class, looking for water." | 2 | 36 |
02/03 | I heard that it was Prof. Simpson who was in our class today. I guess he's getting tips to being a better prof from the master! (God help the CS246 programme!) | 1 | 34 |
02/03 | We started with 17 people today. Three left within the first 20 minutes. Probably interviews, although they weren't dressed for success - which makes me wonder... | 1 | 33 |
02/03 | Just an important announcement... he's back to his normal self. Last class must have been a fluke. If he was going to be good the rest of the term, who would I make fun of? Then again, there's always Raj. | ||
01/29 | It's been a real slow day. He knows what he's talking about today. (Sorry, can't have a witty comment when there's nothing to make fun of.) | 0 | 32 |
01/27 | Don't you love how my explanations went from ten word comments to an entire paragraph of sarcastic comments? But he just makes the transition so easy! | ||
01/27 | Student: "...but aren't all numbers 2 through 9 in CARDINAL?" Apparently, prof doesn't think so, or just can't program. (Any bidders on both?) No wonder he only spent 3 seconds detailing the answer, and 1 minute for the other exa mples. | 2 | 32 |
01/27 | You know how one would cover answers from an overhead by a piece of paper on the acetate sheet? Let's just say he's very uncoordinated with that piece of paper; answers always shown. DUH! | 1 | 30 |
01/27 | In thick accent: "What about arrays?" You don't deserve a freakin' raise. | free | 29 |
01/27 | How do you pronouce "veggy?" (Like as in vegetables?) Well, I would first write it "veggie," then say vedge-ee, not v-egg-ee. (It's like pronouncing 'CHAR': I don't think characters get flame broiled.) Everyone laughed out loud in class - well, I could hear them... | 2 | 29 |
01/27 | Private in-class comment to me: "We should all just automatically pass the course for showing up ever week!" Factor given due to workplace hazzard. (He needs his own WHMIS caution sticker!) Prolonged exposure to prof may be fatal . | 2 | 27 |
01/27 | Just like a box of donuts, we had twelve people in class. Speaking of donuts, I should organize a support group! | 1 | 25 |
01/22 | Chris Allen: "If you don't get enough shell programming information, and I know you won't, come to the lab..." SHOT DOWN, and the prof was IN the class! | 4 | 24 |
01/22 | Shown slides in order: 9 thru 15, then 3 thru 5, then 20. I'm glad he wasn't teaching Pascal. i.e. sequential programming | 1 | 20 |
01/22 | It's an official record! 15 people attended class. | 1 | 19 |
01/20 | Record already initialized in .i3 file. ...humm pause. Hand caresses screen and mumbles. | 1 | 18 |
01/20 | Using hand to block out text on projector screen. Like we can't see what's on your hand. | 2 | 17 |
01/20 | Question: What does MODULE A EXPORTS Main mean? 5 second pause while comprehension takes place. | 1 | 15 |
01/20 | langs:CARDINAL must be langs:LSet. Did he proof read first? | 1 | 14 |
01/20 | Brown Cordoroy - fashion faux pas. Major class distraction. | 3 | 13 |
01/20 | Class at the same 20. People - like me - waiting for good gossip to tell about prof. | 1 | 10 |
01/15 | Asked, "Do you have a question?" to one individual. No hand was raised beforehand. | 1 | 9 |
01/13 | Class at 20 again. Old habits are hard to break, even if the habit is only attending two classes. | 1 | 8 |
01/13 | Student: Can we simply use 'IF test THEN' if test:BOOLEAN? (i.e. like Pascal) Ambiguous response. | 2 | 7 |
01/13 | Class size down to 20. Deliberate sleepers. | 1 | 5 |
01/08 | Class size from packed (01/06) to approx. 50. Lots of people sleeping. | 1 | 4 |
01/06 | Use of overheads. May we have some time to copy this? | 1 | 3 |
01/06 | He opened his mouth. | 2 | 2 |
The DUH Factor is a running total, to a maximum of 100 possible DUH's. For each time the prof says something
which can't be understood, is misinterpreted, or is some stupid comment, another DUH is added. (Note: There are
no DUH's removed from the list. i.e. for good deeds or outstanding lectures; profs are expected to do that anyhow.)
In the table below, the following headings are used. The definitions are:
Please send comments to me.