Welcome!!! You have entered my world. A world of mystery, enchantment, and limitless power. It is a world where my imagine can dwell. It is the world of... KMJD |
Hi! My name is Kat! And if my intro doesn't tell you already, I have many extended interests. I live in the wonderful state of Pennsylvania. And love traveling around if the opportunity arises. I am currently a cheemistry major but that MAY change... depends. I am a HUGE Paul McCartney fan. I love J. R. R. Tolkien. Photography and Kareoke keep me amused. And I am planning for my wedding next spring to the love of my life.
Why do I have this web page? Basically for me and what I consider important in my life. On it you'll find some more interests that I haven't mentioned yet. And possibly some other tidbits I haven't thought of yet. But alos, if I can get it to work, some photos of me and friends so they can be amused by my wasting of time!!! Enjoy!!!! |
Hey!!! I said I was a huge fan of his, didn't I? And doesn't this just say it all for that? I have been long in love with his music for over ten years... Cut me a break, I am only 21... I will catch up eventually. My dream is to see him in concert live. I don't care if he only gives one more for his career on the other side of the world, I will make it there!!! Also, a friend is going to help my make a tape for the MTV show "Fanatic!". Maybe I will get to meet him in person, and believe me, I would be the most satisfied person in the world just to have five minutes with him. Enough time to take a picture of us together, get his autograph, and tell him to keep on doing what he does best: writing and singing. His music is of such power, that if ever I need a cheer up, company, or a calm down... I have it with me where ever I go. Kinda like the Visa card, "Don't leave home without it!". Overall, PAUL MCCARTNEY ROCKS!!! But I already implied that, didn't i??? |
The Phantom of the Opera!!! Of course Michael Crawford is my preferred choice for the role. I fell in love with this musical in 1995. I saw the show on Broadway in New York (twice now). And I still want to go back and see it again and again. As can probably be determined, I haven't seen Michael play the role. But the soundtrack of the original cast is wonderful. And Michael's vocie is extraordinary!
I also have followed Michael's career around. In fact the intor to my page is from one of his other shows "EFX" that is in Las Vegas. Of course the role he played has now gone through two different people. But once he sets the way a part should be played, I think it is difficult for anyone to reach his perfection. But remember, this is only my opinion!!! |
The love of my life and me together as we will be forever. Robbie and I met at Kareoke and to this day it is still one of our favortie things to do together at least twice a week. Rob is a meteorologist for WHTM and a reporter. Also, he teaches and introductory course to meteorology at the community college.
Rob and I are planning for our wedding which is next spring in June. We are hoping to have it at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. We went there in July last summer and we realized that there was more than friendship between us after a fantastic day together. Of course the movie "Armageddon" plays a role in that story as well. Let's just say that two scientifically inclined people shouldn't watch it if they want fact. We were the only ones laughing in the theater when we saw it. And the NASA consultant was given the butt of the entire movie as a joke!
We are the best of friends and rely on each other for mostly anything. Which makes sense if we are to spend the rest of our lives together as a married couple! I love him. He loves me. We are perfect together. Oh! Those summer nights!!! |
Some of my favorite places to surf around on the net!!! |
Official Paul McCartney Web Page |
SET!!! |
American Chemical Society |
Geocities |
Amusing Stress Relief |
eBay Auctions |
Additions to my page!!! |
Ashley Old Time and Me |
More Robbie |
Friend's Pages |
Brad's Frame Page |