Welcome everyone to my little piece of this vast world we call the internet. I suppose you have come here wanting to get to know more about the Tweety you have all come to know and love. I have met many good friends on here in all the years, I even found the man I love on here. *S* I would like to thank all my dear and close friends out there for all the support and comfort they have given to me. They have been there thru the good and bad times. That is what the real definition of a true friend is. If it wasn't for the internet and the things it has to offer I wouldn't know all you good people out there. Ok enough of the mushy stuff lets get back to the fun stuff, ME! *LOL*

As you can see I am a big fan of cartoons, especialy Tweety Bird. My sweetheart gave me the handle of Tweety because of the Tweety slippers I have and wear on them cold nights. I can't help it, they keep my feet warm. *L* Along with Looney Tunes some of my passions are computers and chatting (of course), my kids (Cheryl, Tina), the outdoors, and having fun with friends, also sex, but don't tell any one it's a secret. *shhh*

Here are links to the rest of my pages. There are some links and some more info about me. Don't forget to sign my guestbook. Just click on the perspective Tweety head to surf my site or use the links at the bottom of this page.

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