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Let the music heal your soul (Bravo All-stars)
The Ultimate R&B band  and the smooth vocals of is what captivates me.
I give these guys much props
check them out...
Multi-platinum artists JODECI
Multi-platinum artitsts, and the best r&b artists ever, 
Jodeci consist of two sets of brothers, the Haileys and Degrates. 
These four (K-Ci, Mr.Dalvin, JoJo, & DeVante) create a style so 
smooth that many try to copy but fail in doing so. 
They are the kings of r&b and continue to keep everyone back in awe.
The one & only Brian McKnight
This guy can do it all: write, produce and definitely sing. 
He uses his talents that God has given him to the full extent of
his capabilities. The lyrics and voice of Brian McKnight 
has such power and emotion that you stand hypnotized
in his world of harmonious relaxation.


Bio (MCA Records)
Bio (Rock On The Net)
K-CI & JoJo (MCA)
Bio (Mercury Records)
Bio (Lifetime TV)

 Finally, they are now getting the props that they deserve.

For recent news and continuous updates on these guys check out these phat pages:
Jodeci 4 Life    &     Jodecia
The Ultimate Brian McKnight Site
  Sample their albums with most songs on real audio
Forever My LadyForever My Lady Brian McKnightBrian McKnight
Diary Of A Mad BandDiary of a Mad Band I Remember YouI Remember You
The Show...The Show, The Afterparty, The Hotel AnytimeAnytime
Love AlwaysLove Always
Where's the SOUL?.... @SDSU
to these albums and other songs that Soothes the soul.
If you don't have Real Audio, get it before you enter.
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Check out my friend Mike Ly Krazy Asian Guy's Homepage for your mp3 song of the week, and links to all of the mp3 search engines so that you can get songs that soothes your soul, including Jodeci & Brian McKnight!!
Mike Ly Krazy Asian Guy's Homepage

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