While most of my time outside of school is spent on sports, I do get to have some fun. Beside the usual weekend trips down to Lewiston, I have traveled to more places than I could ever have asked for. If you would like to know of all the places I've visited and will visit, click on the link below. If not, well....I guess you'll just miss out.
Other than traveling, I love listening to tons of music. I'm open to most selections, but country is something I can do without. As for my favorites, I love Sheryl Crow, Bryan Adams, Purusa, Eric Clapton, Everclear, K-Ci and JoJo, Aerosmith, and a few others as well. It's good to be well-rounded.
Big News Kids! I am currently applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship. I finally figured out what I want to do with my life after high school, and it only took me until my senior year in high school. I've always wanted to be a "star sailor", but I'm starting to plan out my path of arrival. I'm really interested in becoming a pilot for the Air Force and if I do qualify and pass their tests, I will have to serve a minimum of 10 years active duty. Sounds like a lot of fun. Wish me luck!
A Few Facts About Me...
Well...let's see. I have started my senior year at Prairie High School (home of the Mighty Pirates) and to say the least, it's looking pretty good so far. Although a new detention was put into effect, the kids seem to be adjusting quite well and the faculty will be having an easier time teaching instead of babysitting (no offense intended).
Have you guys ever heard of the band Purusa? If you haven't, get with it. This group of four guys has conquered the cities of McMinnville and Portland, Oregon, with their new and original progressive blues sounds. If you would, check them out at their website or if you're interested in their mass mailing list, email them and request that you be added to keep up with their busy schedule.
Or if you have ICQ, even better. If not, click on the icon and go download it.
Once you get it, look me up. My number is 5579338.
Look up my friend Kgun. His ICQ number is 8028298.
Updated 9810.4 or for you non-Star Trek fans---October 4th.