Nothing much serious going on here folks


Hot List (Hot List Last Updated 07/03/2007)

Biographical Information

Contact Information

Current Daily Projects

Personal Interests

Work Information

Work Information

Job title: Retired

Key responsibilities: Absolutely None

Department or workgroup: The Donut Shop or Bakery

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Hot List

(Click on an item to view it)

The Good Ole Days (Updated 12/8/00)

2007 UPDATE (Updated 12/16/06)

Some Photos (195KB) (Updated 12/18/97)

 FBI's Most Wanted (15KB) (Updated 11/1/98)

 The Kid (70KB) (Updated 11/1/98)

More Photos (130KB) (Updated 1/11/98)

Betty and Bob in Thailand (132KB) (Updated 1/15/98)

Pattaya's History (Updated 8/10/98)

PhotoCube (Updated 1/20/98) Be patient, loads in about 60 to 90 seconds

My Boating Daze (132KB) (Updated 12/16/06)

Vietnam 1969 - Page 1 (Updated 7/02/07)

Vietnam 1969 - Page 2 (Updated 7/03/07)

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Satellite View of Jim's Place at the Pattaya Beach Condo's (added 01/19/08)

You'll notice the BLUE LINE that goes up Soi 13 to my condo (Flag B). If you ZOOM OUT about 9 or 10 clicks using the minus (-) sign in the upper left hand corner of the picture you'll be able to see where the BLUE LINE begins (Flag A), I started it from the New Bangkok Airport to show my visitors the route to Pattaya.

View in Google Maps

Navigating in Google Maps: You can navigate (move your view) in two dimensions in any Google Map. To pan (move the map) do one of the following: Click and drag the map. Press the up arrow on your keyboard to move north. Press the down arrow on your keyboard to move south. Press the right arrow on your keyboard to move east. Press the left arrow on your keyboard to move west. Additionally, you can zoom in or out pressing the + or - keys. Move the cursor over a location and use the mouse scroll button to zoom in or out on that location. To center and zoom in on a location, double click the location.

Current Daily Projects

Up at the crack of dawn (About 10:00 a.m.)

Make the bed

Take a shower

Meet the guys for breakfast (About 10:30 a.m.)

Check my e-mail

Take a nap

My afternoons are less structured

Did I take a nap yet?

Dinner, then Free Time

Go to bed (About 2:00 a.m.)

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Biographical Information

Worked as a hydraulics sales and applications engineer, saved some money, invested from time to time, and called it quits at age 41. Took it easy for awhile at the beach where I lived in San Clemente, Calif. then off I went to Thailand, the Magic Kingdom. And here I am about 24 years later, still in Thailand. I don't have my calculator in front of me here, but that looks to have me going past 65 years old, Where does the time go!

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Personal Interests

Most anything that doesn't require much physical effort!

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Since December 18, 1997

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