Well, guess I should Introduce my self. My Name is Ryan (as if you couldn't tell) and I was born on Moloka'i, but went to High School on Maui (Lahainaluna High School - BOARDER). I went into the Army after school (Ft. Dix, N.J.). I've traveled to a lot of country's (Germany, Japan, Panama, Korea), and a lot of places here in da U.S. But for now, I call North Carolina my home (atlest for now). All of my 'Ohana(family) still live's back in Hawai'i. I have 1 sister(Ola) and 2 brothers (Neil and Mark)
OK, now its my turn, My name is Lea (Dove to all my friends). If you know me, then Welcome to our house and I hope that your visit is enjoyable. As you can see from the Pic, Im not Hawaiian, but hey I got the name (lol) My background is not as impressive as Ry's, but I am a mom. I have a son named Joe who is in the army in Ga, and Jess who is 11 and lives with me and Ryan. Oh yea , got a hawaiian bun in the oven due March 2000...Smiles..Other than the kids, we got 2 crazy birds who talks and Ryan has taught them some pretty weird stuff, we won't go there...lol. We also have a dog (Emma) and a cat(China), They play hard with each other, but they get along great. Be sure to come back and vist so u may see our new addition to our family..enjoy and Aloha (c:
I guess you might say that this is our attempt to bring some ALOHA from hawaii to all of our Makamaka(friends) so take a load off and hope you enjoy our page an some of the links to some of our friend's pages and some pretty cool sights. Mahalo Nu'i loa (Thank you very much).