Hi, I'm NIKKI.

Come on in...stay awhile!!!


Come on in!!! Sit down while I get you a coffee... caffeinated, of course, I want you to be wide awake when you check out my home page. First, a little about myself, I am 43 years old, happily married to a great guy named Paul. We have three beautiful daughters: Josee 17, Danielle 16, and Melanie who is 11 years old. We also have 1 dog, a Siberian Husky named Zulieka, we also have a grey Tabby cat, Geoffrey who is really more like a Guard cat, and a Clydesdale Mare, Molly (yup, like the ones on the BUDWEISER Beer Wagon).
We live in New Brunswick, Canada which is on the eastern coast of Canada for those of you who are not familiar with this GREAT country.
I use to drive school bus and make Christmas Wreaths for a living but now I am now a full time Mom and I find this a VERY rewarding job!!!


Well, everybody is asking if I will put a pic of myself on my homepage...Well, here it is!!! The only one I have that is scanned so this will have to do. I am the Bride in the picture. For any of you who know MOM3, she was one of my bridesmaids. She is the one on the far left. Her daughter is the flower girl, isn't she cute!!! And for you people who know FrancoFun, she is the one standing next to MOM3, she is the short one. The one peeking from behind us is my MOM, she is truly a great lady!!!! The one dressed in blue is my Maid of Honor, Christine, we grew up together!!!



Links to other sites on the Web.
Here are a few links I've set up!!! Hope you enjoy them!!!

Angel Page
Here is a special page I'm starting about Angels!!!

Here is a special page dedicated to my Special Friends I've met on the net!!!

Here is a special page dedicated to my Beautiful Daughter....Josee!!!

Here is a special page dedicated to my Beautiful Daughter....Danielle!!!

This is a TRUE STORY which happened in my family. If you like stories about practical jokes you are sure to enjoy this one!!!

Top 100 Sites!!!
You can find the TOP 100 of just about anything in here...from jokes to chatrooms!!!

The Clipart Directory
This site is a must for people making Homepages!!! Links galore for backgrounds, animations, buttons, dividers, and much more!!! Check it out!!!

Debby's GIF Animation
Here is another great site to pic up animations!!! Would you believe this lady has 177 pages...all of animations??? I would really recommend this site!!!

Jack's Shack MIDI's
If you want Music for your homepage or just to listen to while you surf the net...this is the place to go!!! Jack's got MIDI files for young and old!!! He also has the biggest Beatle's collection on the net!!!

Missdotcom's Screensavers
This Place is a must if you're looking for screensavers on the net!!! Missdotcom's got lots and lots of links here. Thousands of screensavers free for the asking!!!

My Christmas Page!!!
Here is a page I decided to work on and get into the Christmas Spirit!!!

"My Very First Award"

"Thank you Skyonline!!!"

What a Surprise!!!

"Thank You Amy!!!"

Jan. 16, 1999

"Thank You Lori!!!"

©1999 mrsnikki@hotmail.com

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"Music enhanced by Cresendo Plugins"

Fire and Rain

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