Hey Everyone!


The Ultimate weapon against the TALIBAN

Hi. My name is Piratius. This page will be updated every other while or so, and mail your tips and comments to the below adress. Thanx

Just to say a little about myself, I live in northern Virginia, and I USED TO attend NOVA. Now i goto GMU, which is George Mason University. I used to play football with the Varsity team at Chantilly High School, (corner back and tight end), and I used to sing before dropping out to join theater tech, which is more fun, (you also get to use spray-paint). I do a lot of other things too, I sit around and talk to my friends, chat online, and play some baseball and football, but only when I feel like it. One of my friends has a page I would like you all to see, so check out Dump's Page (disregard the warning, It's a joke). This semester I got a 2.97, which pisses me off. *shrugs* oh well. Anyways, not a whole lot happening here, other than i'm liking the summer thus far. :)
hot Not that you'd ever want to go there, here is Dump's Page (TV-MA, Language)hot
I'm rather pissed at geocities. I had a really big guestbook, but they


So i'm mad...anyways, this is the one i'll be using for a while until i can get the good colors back. TTYS.
Sign My Guestbook, Damnit!
View the underused Guestbook
Here is the old guestbook, which i can't get working again. These are people i haven't talked to in years...

I had a picture of my ex-girlfriend and i up here, but unfortunately, it's been taken down by un-popular demand. Certain parties think that it's not cool to have a picture of your ex online, (even when it's stated as an ex) and not one of them. They don't realize that the only reason i didn't have their picture in this space was because i don't have a good picture of the two of us! or...*gasp* a good picture of just her!. Anyways, enough with me being harshly sarcastic, i'm bored of it. Speaking of that, i'm getting bored with lots of things recently, just like, i don't wanna do the things anymore that i've been doing for a long time. Like playing wolfenstien on my PC. That usedto be fun, but it's not anymore. *blah*

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Scorched Earth Tank.I am a Scorched Earth Tank.

When I have a mission, it consumes me; I will not be satisfied until the job is done. I have a strong sense of duty, and a strong sense of direction. Changes in the tide don't phase me - I always know which way the wind blows, and I know how to compensate for it. I get on poorly with people like myself. What Video Game Character Are You?

I have to admit, I love Gunchello.
Gunchello by Jerry Seltzer (click on image for more Gunchello cartoons)

Latest Proverb:

Confuscious say: Baseball wrong. Man with four balls not walk.

Question for the next two months...or maybe 4:

 If i had two apples, and i took away one, how many mangos do you have? 

Email me!
Mail me with proverbs, weekly questions, answers (for the questions), at the above address
El Goonish Shive. "Saying whoosh so you don't have to!"

My Love Compatibility Meter
Tic-Tac-Toe! (more fun than a barrel of monkeys)
My Logo

The Following link is to a .AVI file of me playing a guitar. Contrary to popular belief, i am wearing shorts in the video. I am not responsible for disgust caused by extreme whiteness of myself.

My Video

.IT files; played using Impulse Tracker or Scream Tracker, MODPlug for Windows. Author is not responsible for extreme suckiness of songs.

Industrial Haven
Funk Master G

Hey! Here's a page you can right click on!

More to come later: Piratius
Hey come check out Chuck the Other White Meat's Rockin' Home Page! It's a Gas!!

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