This Menu will lead you through a quick listing of my pages. There's a page for my friends on the net, a page devoted to travel links, another for fun stuff like decorations for your pages and desktop, a page for Graphic Links and with each new holiday there are pages and pages of graphics! Oh...and don't forget to drop by the Beach page for the latest updates! So relax, kick back and enjoy the trip!~

Here I go again...another season, another page, only this time the theme doesn't fit the season. I couldn't help myself...I thought this was too cute to pass up! I suppose I don't have anything better to do than give myself headaches trying to do something beyond my talents, but I had to try this. I probably shouldn't admit that, but it was all I could do just to get the rollovers and URL's to work right!~

Also before you go...check the Gallery, that will take you to Cmere's Graphic Addiction for the latest Seasonal and Holiday graphics! Thanks for stopping by :)

    Graphics by Thanks!~

~click right to play or stop music~