These top two pictures are of my bedroom at my parent's house right before I moved. This was the night before I left, but those boxes were pretty much piled in my room that way for the whole 2 years I lived with them after I had to move out of McKinney. You can see my dollhouse in the middle of that top picture. My grandfather made that for me by hand when I was 5 years old. I managed to break it all up, and ruin the electrical wiring in it. It needs a lot of work, and I plan to some day do that work on it.
This is what my apartment looked like the night I moved in. I stayed up all night trying to get boxes unloaded. I took all I could and stacked it on the dining room table and put out what I could where I thought I was going to want it to go. I think it was around 3 am that I finally gave in and went to bed, right after taking these pictures.
This is the living room later the next day. You can see my doll cabinet there with all the dolls in their boxes. When my cable guy came over, they were still in there and I remember him asking "are those all Kleenex boxes in there?" and Mike asked "are those all shoes?"
This is a side by side shot of my little table and then the entry way to my apartment. The shelves are right as you walk through the door on your left had side. The detail sucks in that picture, but there are 5 of my purses that I collect sitting on those shelves. The table has a cute little mosaic on the top of it, and iron legs. I got it for a real bargain, and I love it. It sits in the living room sort of as a divider of the living room area and the little sitting area where the fireplace is. You can see some of my paperweights on that picture, too.
This is the kitchen. My goal is to totally cover my fridge in magnets. And the backsplash of my sink has little framed pictures of veggies with faces on them. Miss Bubbles gave me those in a calendar, and I framed them for the kitchen. I get SO MANY compliments on those. The next picture is a more finished look in the dining room. Wendy and I have the same table ;) But the wallpaper has been painted blue since then, and I hung my granny's quilt up there. Its real cute now.
This is my bedroom. I have a new floral quilt on the bed now, but this is what it was like when I first moved in. And the next picture is my fireplace area and my badass chair that I LOVE.
And the last two are my closet, and what it looks like when I try to cram all my makeup into one little spot.