<BGSOUND SRC="/lonewolf1964/" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my Website
I am your local law enforcement officer. I patrol the streets of my community in a single officer unit. That is why I use the name "Lone Wolf". There are numerous times when two units are sent to a call and due to the distance we could be from the call we may have to handle the call on our own until our back up arrives. The recent terrorist attack on this great nation of ours have prompted me to ask all visitors to my site to take the time to support your local Police, Fire and Paramedics as well as our Military Personnel. I never served in the Military but the service I give to my community is equal to that since I am a protector of my community and they are protectors of the nation. Please sign my guestbook and thank you for visiting.  
My Favorite Links:
Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
My Info: