(Always under a bit of global chaos... otherwise known as construction)
You are virtual vagabond # to aimlessly wander into this site.
Sign my Guestbook if you'd like... Or perhaps you'd just like to take a Look at it... feel free.
Here's a little insight on my map down below, in case you're feeling lost:
STARCRAFT: My new, specialized page dedicated to one of the best real-time war strategy games out there!
MYSELF: Some information on yours truly... in case you wanted to know. (probably not, huh?)
FRIENDS: A little about my friends... well at least the ones that can be accessed through the net, i.e. the ones with homepages... not many people have 'em, it's a damn shame. :)
LINKS: Self-explanatory. I have links under several categories, such as: Anime, PC Games, Chatting, Music, and Movies & TV.
E-MAIL: Just in case you'd like to talk about anything. My page, your page, my life, your life... anything! :)