Denise's Hut

Hey there, you funky people! Welcome to my little hut here in the tropics.
Here's what's in my page:

Who Am I?: Just who is the owner of this beautiful hut? This page contains things about the person who created this site. It also contains the history of this humble abode. Just click here if you're curious.

Diana, Princess of Wales We are very startled by the sudden, tragic passing of Diana, Princess of Wales. As a sign of respect, I have put up this special page dedicated to the Queen of Hearts.

Walt Disney: I just love Disney things. I never grow out of them. Some of my friends claim that they have grown out of it. But I think that Disney is one childhood tradition you should never grow out of. All of it are remniscient of our sweet childhood.

Love Quiz: Here's a little something. It's a very interesting love quiz although the results might not be true.

Links: Links to pages of my friends and my favorite sites in the World Wide Web.

Hut Talk: Come in and chat!

Contact me: Just in case =)

Credits: The people I'd like to extend my thanks to because of their help in one way or another.

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