Jacobs groovy homepage

Here's my life:

I am a recent graduate with a BS in Management Information Systems at Iowa State University. I belonged to the MIS Club and Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity.

I've spent most of my life living in Illinois (Quad-Cities), although I was coincidentally enough born in Ames Iowa. As you can tell by my and picture above I love the Green Bay Packers (no I'm not a fair-weather fan, I've liked them since I was 6 when I started watching football with my Dad).

I have a resume if you would like to see it.

In case your having a bad day:

Receive a self-esteem or ego boost or just try some

Weird lines

Inspired by David Gaede and Jeremy Buls

Hey, slap the toad silly!

Is that a pickle in your hand?

Do you like cheese?

Perhaps you know Maude

Maybe you are a turtle lover

How about visiting a cathouse

In case you find my homepage boring here are some cool links for you to enjoy.

You are the person to look at this feable attempt of a homepage.

Jacob Ellsworth
5219-26th Ave A Ct
Moline, IL 61265

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