Created: June 23rd 1997
Update: Oct 22, 2008

New Blog Posted: Learn about those lovey pay-per-view clipstores.

Sept 4, 2008

A glimpse of how it was when it all started: The Sneeze Newsletter

Sept 3, 2008

It's been several years since the ol SFO saw the light of day. I've been debating for a while about bringing the old girl out of the cyberspace closet. Everyone that I've talked to, from people from the original 'clique' to the new people of today have expressed interest on the website.

At the time I took the site down the usual things that kill a website were apparent; lack of time to update, lack of materials, perceived lack of interest in the site. The community has changed in ten years; some for the good, some for the bad. But SFO served it's purpose as an intital beacon for the community that allowed other brighter beacons to shine and take the community further than, IMHO, it was originally expected. Ten years ago, people with this interest were using snail mail and mailing lists to communitate. In 2008 everything can be done in literally seconds.

SFO at the time was limited to only having 5megs of space to do anything web as it was a 'free' website. Yahoo Geocities has increased their free server space to 15megs, which means I could actually have some fun with this.

I had located the last known copy of SFO before it was taken down, along with all it's files. However, in the process of moving cities, that copy is now lost. I am still able to find the HTML coding, just not the files associated with. Currently I'm on a search for the missing files, but it's like traveling in the jungle without a machete.

Regardless, by hook or by crook, SFO will be online again by the end of the year in some capacity, either as a nostalga website...or maybe something more ;)

Stay tuned....

-Professor S

Lunch from Dragonball mpegs.

Be sure to check out:
Prof S on Youtube