"No matter how wretched and unfulfilling your life is don’t try to change it."

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You are person # to come to this little speck on the map of cyberspace since Aug 04, 97.

Glad you could make it! I'm Ken and I'm a sophomore at Vista High School (It's not too bad, it just lacks the element of fun, even though some of the people there are a bit wacky, like me) So anyway, I'm too young too do anything and too old to care and I like alot of things including (but not limeted to) helping people, building models, launching rockets but the thing I like to do most is waste time doing meaningless things.

I live in Oceanside, California. Oceanside is a really cool place to live in because there's lots of stuff to do here. I havn't done much of it but the best thing is of course the beach.

Anyway I'm not too good at going on an on an on... so I'll tell you about what's in this site. This page has stuff that I'm into. There will be alotta links, and some of my other sites that I've created. And if you want to be notified when any of these pages are updated just email me at any of the addresses you see on these pages. There is at least one change a week {except in case of illness, vacation, or laziness} so comeback every once in a while to check out the new stuff. Anything marked with *NEW* is well, I'm not gonna bother explaining that. Other than that, just sit back and enjoy!

My friends

Something pointless yet, well it's just pointless.

Visit the VHS Peacemakers Club.



Full text of the Supreme Courts ruling that the CDA is unconstitutional.

Some very useless info about me!

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© 1998 Ken Peréz

The title of the current background music is "Another One Bites The Dust" By Queen

Here is a list of my other background songs.

Please email me if you know the actual title of 55 Sex or the names of the folks that did any of the others.
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Thanks to Geocities for the space for this site