Heres my little piece of the web
I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I've been dating for about 8 months now. He treats me so well and his friends and I get along (very important ladies).
I used to live in Palmerton Pa....the wild state of nothingness. I am now living in Tarpon Springs, Florida which is a really awesome place to exist.
I recently moved into my first apartment all by my lonesome. Its awesome to live by can do what you want when you wanna do it. I like not having to fight over the TV remote.
I am a crazed Winnie the Pooh fan, and spend way too much money on Pooh stuff. I want everything from Winnie socks to decorating my whole house in Winnie the Pooh. Of course family members encourage this habit by making my collection bigger every holiday....Sheez! My collection has increased since I last updated this page, so now the Pooh collection overuneth. But whose complaining....except people who have to look at it everyday!
Christmas '98 was a real experience for my Pooh habit. I think that my collection nearly tripled with so many more people buying me Pooh stuff. Some new things include a HUGE stuffed Pooh doll that takes more space on our Bed than me, Pooh beanies, a resin Pooh frame and a lot more!
Once I moved into my new apartment it looked like everything had been hosed down with Winnie the Pooh which makes my boyfriend crazy.
Some of my favorite sites out there are:
Some more of my favorite Links.....
Email: Melissa