The fact that you are
visiting this web page means that we have something in common. Please take a
moment to reflect on these idioms. – Hal
If you’re not
outraged, you’re not paying attention. Think, it’s not
illegal yet.
Now I don't know but
I've been told, It's hard to run with the weight of gold, Other hand I heard it
said, It's just as hard with the weight of lead – Garcia/Hunter
Since it cost a lot to win, And even more to
lose, You and me bound to spend some time, Wondering what to choose –
Unfuck this world.
Legalize freedom. Think outside the fox.
I can do is be me, whoever that is – Bob Dylan
One good thing about
music, when it hits you, you feel no pain – Bob Marley
Because I’m just a
man, oh I ain’t got no plans, don’t you understand, I’m just trying to find
some peace of mind – Van Morrison
is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so – William Shakespeare
Men of good conscious
cannot blindly follow orders. Truth is the first casualty of war.
There are two places
in this world;
If you’re going to
drop bombs then why not drop acid? – Hal
"Beer is living
proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin
Bush; like a rock;
only dumber. Global warming is real. Bush is fake.
Busch promotes responsible drinking.
Don’t steal, the
government hates competition.
nation, under surveillance, with liberty and justice for some.
It’s embarrassing to
be human.
Live the life you love
and love the life you live.
Religion is organized
Not everything that
can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert
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