:::: Newz Flash :::: My hP name has been changed from..... Stephanie's way cool homepage to...... The Babblingz of a Stephanie!!!! yea! < side note: name changed on 11/26/97 at 8:29 Pm!> hmm.. i dont know what i'm gonna do bout that pic at the top now...
This page is so MAJORLY UNDER
Ok this is like my monthly or every other monthly note 2 peoples who come here! 8.3.01 it's been quite a while since i've updated this page. i've definitely been neglecting it. in cae you havent heard, i'm goin to college soon, yay, at the university of virginia. i don't have much else to say cept for the fact that my homepage is way outdated and sorta boring. sorry about that :o) one of these days i'd like to re-do it.....yah, one of hese days....
Other monthly notes: nov 97 and dec97 and Aug. 30th '98 and Jan. 5th '99 and Feb 99 and June 99 and Aug 99 and Oct 99 and dec 99 and jan 00 and mar 00 and june 00
Oh the things 2 do and the places to go on my page!
Ok, so this is where most people give u a speech telling u 2 sign their guestbook, right? (ok, well maybe not but still...). I thought about doing that... but then I would wasting your time and making u read that stuff... so I'm just gonna say- SIGN MY GUESTBOOK, NOW!!! (Please??)
sign/be nosy and look at one of my old guestbooks!
Sign My
View My
E-mail me at: I know I've told ya this a couple of timez but-
COME BACK!! Things will get better here soon!! =)
~*All About Me!*~ -updated- What do u think this section iz about? ME! I actually think it's kinda interesting..
~*My Music Corner*~ -updated- This is the place where ya find about my fabulous music tastes!! jk. just please don't dis them! =) . this section includes the song stuck in my head for the week,songs that bug me, and concerts i've been to!!
~*Apply 4 my award!*~ So, u want my fab award? Just click there! I used 2 have some awards of my own..but
~*Homepage history*~ find out about how I lost my homepage and why I have a homepage n other stuff like that!
~*webrings N things!*~ Where ya see all the webrings and organizations/clubs I've joined!!
~*Stephanie's Slang!!*~ back by popular demand!! here, you'll find some history bout Stephanie's Slang, and the list itself!!
~*The Big Smiley Face Debate*~
Tell me which smile U smile!!! Find out more by clicking above!!
i'm gunna work on this before skool starts so its not ready yet, kay? ~*my warning bout guys*~ this is allll from personal xperience!! (et hem)
fun & games... sort of just some random fun and games on a page
*Coming attractions*
I used to have a bunch of stuff listed here but i jus deleted it all cuz i really am not gunna have time durin the skool yr. to update thing thingi. who knows though, i jus mite once in a while and add knew stuff! but if i dont hope u're not tooo dissaponted in me :::cough, cough::::
Peoples, please please don't copy anything off this page... I mean u can copy like an animated line,but no ideas or other pics I made w/o permission, Ok? thanks a lot!