Fork & Spoon Raspberry,hailing from sunny-but-rainy Bangor, Maine, is an up and coming jamband with a penchant for onstage antics and tomfoolery. Using off-beat time signatures and odd sounds as a vehicle for their musical madness, the quartet epitomizes the band-audience relationship in a scenario that can only be experienced to be understood. That, and they all wear pants most of the time. |
Fork and Spoon Raspberry is always on the move...wanna check out What's New?Check out Past Setlists...NEW! Browse pictures from FSR's show at Trinity College! |
Download Fork and Spoon Raspberry MP3'shere!! |
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Fork and Spoon Raspberry last played at Trinity College |
What do you think of this page? Please please send any comments to the Webmaster!FSR got in the Bangor Daily News! |
The band responsibly assumes no responsibility for any responses to this internet site. |
Kumquats. |
FORK AND SPOON RASPBERRY: Because not everyone can be a bag o' wank. |
Last Updated: 4-11-00 |
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