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Hello there! Welcome to my little spot on the net. My name is Denise, but all my friends call me Neecey (knee+see). I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say about myself .... and I honestly couldn't think of anything that I really liked, but here's what I came up with:
I am a very complicated and diverse person. My tastes are very eclectic. I enjoy hiking, horse back riding, canoeing, writing poetry, cooking, listening to almost any kind of music, and dancing. I'm a big sports person also. I love playing and watching baseball, football, soccer, and hockey.
The thoughts and ideas expressed on these pages are only the tip of the "Neecey Iceberg" .... a mere glimps into what makes me unique. There are far too many aspects of my life and personality for me to include in this small corner of the cyber world .... but this webpage is a pretty good start.
It's not the fanciest or flashiest of web pages ... I didn't want it to be. It's just a simple expression of some things that interest me and the poeple who are important in my life.
For a list of my six absolute, most favorite teams (in no particular order) click the graphic below.
This page would not be complete without a dedication to the most beloved creatures in my life ... the ones I hold dearest to my heart ... the ones who love me unconditionally like no other.
Well, what more can I add? Hmmm .... how about a list of ....
Feel free to contact me.
Denise "Neecey" Hahn
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This site is written, maintained, and owned by Neecey.
All thoughts and ideas expressed on this page are strictly of my own opinion.
With the exception of some team and site logos, all text and images contained within this web site are created and owned by Neecey.
The content on this site (graphics or otherwise) may NOT be reproduced, republished, or mirrored in any way or form on another website.
Copyright © 1996-2008 Neecey.
All rights reserved.