Froggie's Place (creatively wanted)

Welcome to my humble, little abode. As you can see, I've transferred my webpage off of Geocities, and onto my ISP.  Geocities was starting to become a pain in the butt, as far as transferring files, and those little tags that they keep popping onto your web page, so I've moved just about everything over to Mississippi Internet, my ISP, where I won't have to worry about those things.  I'm still keeping a couple small things over here though.  You can head over to my ISP website here.

As for background about me, in case you're too lazy to head to my other site (:oP), my name is Adam Froehlig, I'm 23, from Minnesota, and I'm currently working as a weather observer and computer geek in the U.S. Navy. Froggie is a nickname that a few buddies on my last ship gave me. It's also the handle I use most commonly on the Net and on CBs.


All (on my ISP site)

Froggie's Pics

Superhighway On-ramp (Interesting Links) (on my ISP site)

Guess what, everyone.....Froggie got himself a guestbook!!!

Let me know what you think Guestbook by GuestWorld Or see what other people have written...

Last Updated on 2/8/99 by that crazy who calls himself Froggie...

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