My personal QSL Card

Hi, my name is Ed and I am a member of the Alfa Tango DX Group.
The picture above is my personal QSL, designed and produced by me, on my home computer. My card design has been copied by a number of stations, including the famous 3-AT-IND. I'm flattered!

A little bit about me:
I have been a 2-way radio operator since 1968, but I did not become involved in international DX until 1993.

In early 1993, I heard about the Alfa Tango DX group and immediately decided that I wanted to be a member of this prestigious group.

Soon after becoming a member, I participated in World Contest 1993, and received the HIGHEST SCORE of any operator in North America, and tied for 89th place worldwide.

Since that time, I have worked and confirmed over 150 countries, and I hold the classification of Super Class Operator. Through the Alfa Tango group, I now have friends all over the world, and am proud to use the AT call when DX'ing.

Awards I have received:

  • Worked All Zones
  • Worked All Continents
  • Oceanian Countries
  • Central and North American Countries
  • Mediterranean Countries
  • United Kingdom Countries
  • South America Countries
  • African Countries
  • British Commonwealth Countries
  • European Countries
  • First Class Operator
  • One Hundred Countries (Super Class Operator)

You can sign my guestbook here

You can view my guestbook here

DX Links
Official AT Homepage - Visit the official homepage of the Alfa Tango DX Group

AT Forum Homepage - The excellent AT Forum Homepage, don't forget to visit!

Sunspot Chart - If you're a DX operator, then this could be the most important page you'll ever view. The sunspot cycle bottomed out in April, so we're finally on the way back up. Check out this graph of the sunspot cycle for the last 200 years!

If you'd like to drop me a line, you can email me:

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Created: June 23, 1997
Last Update: January 2, 1999