Who is Bleu?Hi! My name is Blair and this is my page! I felt it was time for a face lift, and here it is. Tell me what you think. Feel free to sit back and relax, while you learn a bit about me.
Baby Bleu's PageMolson Online
Molson OnlineNews! News! News!
Molson Online Pictures HUGE NEWS GUYS!!! On Feb.2nd, 1999, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!! Her name is Kieran Margo Gilmore.
Click here to visit Baby Bleu's First Webpage!!!
Friends Pages, and other LinksThe Molsonites made the NEWS!! On December 28th, 1998 an article ran in the Toronto Star about the Molson Webpage and its users. The article written by Robert Cribb, then ran in newspapers all over the country the following day. Its a great article and includes quotes from myself and some of my molsonite friends.
Click here to read a copy of the article!!
Sign My GuestbookThis count began Oct.17th,1997
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