Thanks for stopping by! This is my personal HOME PAGE designed to bring you
things you need from me on the web. Like most of you, I hope to get more up here
eventually, but for now.... ENJOY! |

Yes, that's me to the left, and you can view many more
pics of me and my friends having good times by clicking the Pics button on the right...
oh, and that's me on Paco's jet ski at Paco Bay up at the top.

If you want to know a little about me, well the
button's right there, and don't be shy about emailing me, I love to here from
cyber-friends I already have, and make new ones along the way. I'm on ICQ, and if
you email me telling me a little about yourself, then maybe we can get on eachother's
list. In using ICQ, I like to have my friend's name sound when they message, and
I've made wave files of them saying their own name. If you are on the list, you can
download them here.