
This homepage was created by Ronda and Roger Russell and features information about all our favorite hobbies and pastimes. Enjoy! and if you have any questions feel free to send an e-mail to the authors.

Created Tuesday June 10, 1997 Last Updated Tuesday June 15, 1999
You are visitor number since June 10, 1997
The authors of this page are a sister and brother team that live in College Park, MD, which is near Washington DC. To find out more about them, click their pictures below for a short page about them.

Ronda Russell: Ronda is 19 years old and graduated from the Science and Tech Program at Eleanor Roosevelt High School on June 4, 1997. She is attending the University of Maryland in College Park and is currently a junior majoring in chemical engineering.

Roger Russell: Roger is 17 years old and is currently a senior at Parkdale High School in College Park, MD.

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