Well, well , well.....I see you've made it to the sassiest site around *BAS*. Here you will find a wide variety of topics to browse through, laugh at, and maybe even make you think a little*S*. So if you feel absolutely daring and think you're up to the challenge, just kick back and let your fingers walk you through my wacky world *giggle*.

All About Me
Ever wonder what I look like??? Or maybe what makes me tick? Well come on in and satisfy that insatiable curiosity of yours *S*.

Writing Related stuff
I love poetry.....it's something that soothes my soul when this world sometimes gets me down. Enter here to read some of my poetry and if you're a poet at heart well GOOD NEWS!! *BAS* I have my very own poetry contest going now! Enter your poem in my contest and win the chance to have it posted proudly on my page for viewing.

Computer Related Pages
Ever get completely spaced about how to start a homepage?? Or maybe where to go to find all the neat animations the net has to offer?? Well you're in luck, I've put together some tutorials and great sites to go to *S*.Also, be sure and enter your homepage at my award site......be the first to win SASSY'S SIZZLING SITE AWARD!!

Sports related pages
I am a sports fanatic!!Here you will find the best nfl team that ever existed *BAS*, some really hot nascar sites and pics, along with other sports-related topics *S*.

Joe's Related Pages
I have chatted in this little diner called Joe's for over a year now *BAS*. Here you will find the latest gossip from joe's, the hottest couples, and some very memorable moments!

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