Victor's Place

hellos   pics   buds   links A song my roommate Ben and I recorded!!    about this page

smoke.jpg (33231 bytes)

Somewhere down the road....we will be in the light.



The only picture of me I have scanned right now








yumin.jpg (102374 bytes)Here's my pimp brother.










And here's cousin Steve

steve1.jpg (88064 bytes)

Here's a bunch of people from the fellowship I'm with here at Cal


And a little word out                        

hey all of you

hi mom

hi yumin

evan.  i love your subwoofers.  and your help w/ my apps paid off, bud.  thanks

ben thanks for telling me to "apply myself"  i still have quite a bit of applying to do yet

johnny-  two words: true liu.  yea

ok, you guys are probably all who i'll tell about this page, so that's enough of that


Friends' pages                                  

Ben's page



Other links                              

download file