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Hi  there, glad you could stop by!  

If this is your first visit to my website, thank you for stopping by, sit back, relax and take a look around.   For those of you who have been here before, you'll notice some definate changes.   The design for one.  I have been creating my own graphics and what you see here is a product of my own obscure idea of what is beautiful. 

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I haven't been updating my website as much lately, mostly because of that little thing called life.  However, I do so enjoy the web and graphics that I've pushed aside some chores and a few other things to make this happen.  I have been wanting to create a website entirely of my own doing and this is the culmination of thosevisions. 

If you like what you see and would like to see if there's anything that I've made that you would like to use, feel free to check out Raven's Designs.

If you like graphics and like interesting and exceptional, the place to go is Moyra's Web Jewels Mine.  I found her through a friend and have made weekly pilgramiges there.   I am always amazed and awed by her designs.  Through her pages I have found other designers that are extremely talented and have inspired me to try my hand at this digital art.  I hope I can do a quarter of what these talented artists do! 

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When I'm not creating graphics, I'm usually on IRC - Internet Relay Chat - hanging out in the Michigan Tavern and Michigan Friends.  I've made some really good friends and even met my future significant other there.  You can check out the Tavern's web page or the Friend's home page to see what it's all about.

Or you can go here to find out more about me.

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email meraven's design