
So here I is. And I speak good england. Regrettably for some, Elvis has left the building but that's okay because I am here to entertain you and I know a joke.

Why did the plane crash?
The pilot was a piece of toast.

Can we feel ourselves having a good time? Yes I'd just like to thank all my fans out there and the Academy for giving me this award... And if nothing else, let me tell you this - It takes a lot of effort to be this daggy (non- Australian slang users may look this up in their 'Australian Little Oxford Dictionary' to find it means someone or something amusing or out of touch). What you really need is ambition and, in the words of Jack Handey "Ambition is like a frog sitting on a Venus Flytrap. The flytrap can bite and bite, but it won't bother the frog because it only has little plant teeth. But some other stuff could happen and it could be like ambition." How right he is.

Bullamakanka /boolerma'kanker/ n. Aus. imaginary remote town

Introducing, the not-so-new, could've-been-improved-more Oztag Hall of Fame!

mossie /'mozi:/ n. Aus. colloq mosquito

Next thing's first. (funnily enough). My karma ran over my dogma. No, not really. What has happened however, is that in my quest to become a superhero hippopotamus farm owner and garbage collector extraordinaire I have devised the soon-to-be world renowned rhinoceros theorem. So far it's just a name but it sounds good, no? Actually, this might help you more...

luderick /'lu:derik/ n. Aus. a kind of blackfish

Once you finish looking at the junk I have lying about here, take a wander over to the pages of my friends.

gunyah /'gunyer/ n. Aus. Aborigninal hut; bush hut.

And now for my next trick. I think a really good gift for the Prime Minister, even better than solar panels, would be a chocolate gun. Also, since the Prime Minister is really busy (??) I think another good thing would be to run up real quick and give it to him.

skerrick /'skerik/ n. Aus. colloq. small fragment or amount

During 1997, as an assignment for my commerce class, I, and other class members, were asked to complete a Personal Interest Project (PIP). As a form of presentation I chose to display mine as a web site. For my PIP I chose to research Political and International Crime. I must say however that all though this topic was chosen due to my interest in the area the assignment contains only factual information, not opinions and thus, nothing that can get me into (big) trouble. =)

grouter /'grauta(r)/ n. Aus. sl. unfair advantage. 'come in on the grouter'

I was surfing the web the other day, as one does, and I came to the realisation that many people have homepages with a point. They're there to share with the world their prized collection of petrified cheese sandwiches or to show us the photographs from their Uncle Bob's second cousins aunts daughters pink elephants wedding. So, in an effort to pull myself up to the standard of such sites I've succombed to a general trend. Please sign my guestbook.

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Currently there are green bottles sitting on the wall. If you're interested I have won some awards
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