What up? Welcome to my home here on the world wide web. My name is Eric JohnBull and I started this site on a whim in mid-June of 1997. I've only updated it a few times, so if you've been here within the last few weeks, it's probably still the same. Eventually I hope to put a phat picture of me here, but so far I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. If you've surfed in from the geocities neighborhood and know how to upload pictures on this really slow server, please drop me a line. Anyway, enough of that--let me to introduce myself.

Well, I'm seventeen years old and I live in a Northern Virginia suburb outside of Washington, D.C. I'm currently a SENIOR!!:) at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, VA. When I'm not cramming for an anatomy test or attempting a calculus homework set, it seems that almost all of my time this year is spent editing the school newspaper, tjTODAY (I'm the news editor). For a sappy, over-dramatic account of a night I spent there, click here.

Like most other people my age, I love music, especially hip hop. I also enjoy a variety of other things, most of which are encompassed on a page that puts this one to shame located here. Ask anyone at school and they'll tell you that I'm always up for a good mama joke, so here's a hilarious collection I've compiled for those of you that dig 'em. See the bottom of this page for my favorite at the moment.

This summer I had the incredible opportunity to do research at the Blood Research Detachment of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Rockville, Maryland. I worked approximately 40 hours a week in the lab of a civilian researcher, who served as my mentor. Maybe someday when I get time I'll put some of my results somewhere on this site, but until then what you see is what you get. Right now, I'm fulfilling my senior research requirement by working in the school's biotech lab. My class is in the process of sequencing a DNA fragment for the National Institutes of Health on equipment they loaned us. We have (or are in the process of) set up a page with all kinds of results and cool pictures of the lab and stuff taken on our digital camera. Check it out!

What's this...you're leaving? Ah, well at least let me say goodbye...

This page has been surfed times since 6/22/97, dude.

Got questions, comments, or beef? Hit me at juantoro@geocities.com. This page was last updated 6/26/1997. A'ight?

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Yo momma so stupid she thought St.Ides was a Catholic Church!

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