...and the ancient globe will shine on through the night

">Hello, and welcome to ancientglobe's home page. We're so glad you came to visit, and we hope you are too. Yes sir! We are two guys, actually twin brothers, named Thor and Cody, and collectively we are the entity known as ancientglobe. We are both 21 (as of February 23) and stuff, and are into numerous things, which you will find out about upon rummaging through the site. Ancientglobe is from the far east of Massachusetts. Some of the things we like...well...

MUSIC--of course, from all stretches of the globe. The only musics we don't really like include country (except k.d.lang, she rocks!), and rap/R & B.

MOVIES--and baby do we like movies. Favorites of ours include "Kundun", "Half-Baked", "Made In America", and "Demolition Man". ("He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!")

THE VON BUHLERS...hmm..click on the link below to download their website, it's well worth checking out. We love them, and you will too. A couple of the finest caliber. THEY KEEP SIGNING GOOD ACTS TO THEIR LABEL TOO!!!

Let's see...most of our time is spent out of the house, and i mean out of the house. We like to mosey on into Cambridge, Boston, and other fun spots. Mosey, don't you like that word? Say it, "Mooooseeeeyy" Yes! Getting excited? Tacos are delicious, as are people. We enjoy talking...if we didn't, this page wouldn't exist. Hey, these two people are individuals (they are?) yeah, check out their respective links on the bottom of the page!!! Ancientglobe....the ancient globe and the ancient globe and the....

Learn me about Thor, please!

Oh, I just have to learn about Cody!

See what the entity of Ancientglobe looks like

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The Von Buhlers' Web Page

Mors Syphilitica Web Page--BEAUTIFUL MUSIC!!!

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Last updated: February 20, 2000
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